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Fountain of Pooch’s Deuterium Depletion Water provides preventative and acute care for your furry friends by fighting chronic health conditions at the molecular level. Our non-toxic solution is born out of research and scientific evidence, that consistently demonstrates a return to healthy functioning at various levels of care. We are committed to promoting Deuterium Depletion Water to support healthy, thriving pets.  

Deuterium Depleted Water


Deuterium Depleted Water

A Dog's New Best Friend


What's so great about DDW?  

Deuterium Depleted Water Prohibits the Growth of Cancer Cells

Water is composed of light and heavy Hydrogen isotopes. The heavy concentrated isotopes (Deuterium) impact core vital processes in all living systems.  Decreasing heavy water or Deuterium and replacing with Deuterium Depleted Water influences the growth rate of cells, enzyme activity and cellular stimulation.   


Hundreds of Research  Backed by Science  

The number of studies focused on Deuterium Depletion and the role it plays on inhibiting cancer cells and metabolic diseases such as diabetes is staggering. The Science and Research community have proven that Deuterium Depleted Water (DDW) consumption consistently returns better than expected clinical outcomes on cancer patients regardless of the stage of cancer. 


Deuterium wears down the immune system

Deuterium wears down the immune system and becomes ineffective in responding to infections, a.k.a inflammation, that increase and are present in cancer patients. Deuterium Depletion Water allows for a normal response and lessens the bacteria and infections that cancer cells need to grow.

Direct Delivery


Facts and Questions

  • A: DDW is short for Deuterium Depleted Water, a type of water that has a low concentration of deuterium, which is a heavy isotope of hydrogen. Our bodies are designed to function optimally with low levels of deuterium, making DDW a popular choice for health enthusiasts.

  • A: Studies have shown that DDW consumption can inhibit the growth of cancer cells and help with metabolic diseases such as diabetes. DDW is also known to improve cellular regeneration and boost the immune system, leading to better overall health.

  • A: DDW inhibits the growth of cancer cells by reducing the levels of deuterium in the body. Cancer cells thrive in an environment with high levels of deuterium, so by consuming DDW, you can help to create an environment that is less hospitable to cancer cells.

  • A: DDW is different from regular water because it has a lower concentration of deuterium. This makes it more effective at promoting cellular regeneration and boosting the immune system. Studies have also shown that DDW consistently returns better clinical outcomes on cancer patients.

  • A: Yes, DDW is safe for consumption. It is made using a proprietary process that ensures the water is free from harmful contaminants and pathogens.

  • A: The science behind DDW is based on the fact that our bodies are designed to function optimally with low levels of deuterium. Studies have shown that reducing the levels of deuterium in the body can have a number of health benefits, including inhibiting the growth of cancer cells and improving cellular regeneration.

  • A: Yes, there is a significant body of research to support the use of DDW. Studies have shown that DDW consumption consistently returns better than expected clinical outcomes on cancer patients, regardless of the stage of cancer.

  • A: You can purchase DDW directly from our website. We offer a variety of packaging options to suit your needs.

The Science

“Deuterium is an important predisposing factor for cancer. Deuterium-depleted Water, also known as low deuterium water, ultra-light water or no deuterium water, can be obtained by removing deuterium from natural water. Studies have shown that water with a low deuterium concentration (<65% percent of volume) can inhibit cancer growth. Clinical trials demonstrated that drinking DDW (10-20 ppm) caused growth arrest of malignant cells in cancer patients and significantly prolonged the patient survival with also improved quality of life. A wide range of anti-cancer drugs in current use are associated with severe adverse effects, while deuterium-depleted water appears to have virtually no pharmacological side effects and is convenient to administer.”

“Successful results were obtained in dogs when drinking water was replaced with DDW with natural (non-experimental) breast tumors (7 animals)37. The dose of DDW (D/H=90-95 ppm) was in the range of 0.01-0.02 kg per kg of body weight per day. Already in the first 3 weeks, two animals showed a decrease in tumor volume by 60-70%. The complete disappearance of the tumor was recorded in one animal after 8 months of using DDW”

“Deuterium- depletion is a new complementary modality in oncotherapy and prevention; the method can be safely applied in addition to conventional treatments and as an extension of those. Replacement of the daily fluid intake of patients with deuterium depleted water (DDW) results in the shortage of deuterium (D) in the body and might exert an anticancer effect.”

“Our experiments confirmed the effect of deuterium depletion on cancer cell growth. The novel aspect is the suggested molecular mechanism supporting the anticancer effect of DDW. Our results indicate that DDW inhibits cell proliferation mainly through causing a disbalance between ROS production and neutralization in mitochondria, and thus inducing oxidative stress in the cells. DDW also modulates the expression of proteins involved in such cell-wide processes as cell cycle, oxidoreductase activity, p53 signaling pathway, glutathione metabolism, etc.”

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